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Upcoming Events

Although we are a relatively small congregation, the Rockport church participates in many events, fellowships and outreach efforts.


Clothing Distribution Oct 5

Rockport church of Christ sponsors a clothing give away on a regular basis to aid local community members in need.  The next distribution is October 5, 10 am - 2pm.


Clothing and household items are collected from donations throughout the year, cleaned, sorted, and stored. The church will advertise giveaway dates and invite community members in to find items that match their needs.

The church gladly accepts donations of gently used clothing for men, women, and children including coats, sweaters, shirts, pants, dresses, blouses, suits, shoes, and accessories. To make a donation contact us.

Upcoming Meetings/Events

Sunday Pot-luck lunch - October 5 after morning service - visitors are welcome!

Ladies Day Meeting: October 17, 6:00 pm FH

VBS Meeting: November 14, 6:00 pm FH


Men to serve October 6/9

October 9 Devo:           Nolan

October 6 Worship:      

1st Prayer:                     Chris S.

Song Leader:                  Nolan

2nd Prayer/Scripture:   Arnold

Sermon:                          Robin

Communion Leader:      Dwayne

Communion Assist:        John V.

Closing Prayer:               Alan

Wednesday Night Meal

Each Wednesday night before the Bible class, a light meal prepared by a member/members of the congregation is offered.  There is no cost; start time is around 5:15 with Bible class beginning at 6:30 pm.

There is a sign-up sheet available if you would like to host a meal; contact Lorie.

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