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About Us

Church Organization

Rockport church of Christ is a non-denominational fellowship of Christians; our pattern is derived from the New Testament description of the early Christian church.  We believe that Jesus never intended for His body to be divided by human reasoning. Based solely upon the Bible and without creeds or other denominational statements, we purpose to promote unity among those who profess the name of Jesus.


Our congregation is completely autonomous and independent of any other congregation in terms of practice and doctrine. Our head is Jesus Christ and all authority belongs to Him.


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you." 

Matt 20:19-20​


The Rockport church will: 

  1. make every effort to only practice those things practiced by the first Century church

  2. be a beacon to the community welcoming all who enter

  3. provide outreach to the community addressing the needs of young people and adults

  4. work diligently to preserve the unity of the spirit

  5. work to become more visible and influential in the community better enabling us to take Gods word to those who do not know it

Find us: 

1520 Omohundro St.

Rockport, TX  78382

Call us:


Sunday Bible Class: 9:00 am

Sunday Worship:      10:00 am 

Sunday Evening:       5:00 pm

Wednesday Classes:  6:30 pm

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