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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Rockport church of Christ is a New Testament fellowship church serving Jesus as Lord.  The New Testament defines the blueprint of the church which Christ purchased with His blood and for which He died (Acts 20:28).  We hope you will be drawn by the simplicity of our services as they are designed to draw you closer to God and to provide an atmosphere that promotes reverent worship (John 4:42).  Since all we do is governed by the word of God, you will find us observing only those things contained in it.  We do our best to pattern everything we do after the early church of the New Testament.


We are seeking to share His grace in our community and around the world. It is our intent to rekindle the fire of faith in all who attend here. Desiring to reflect upon the love and will of God for our lives, we cherish relationships in Christ in a family. 


Perhaps you’ve come to this page looking for a new church home. We know it can be intimidating when you don’t know what to expect and you may not know anyone. It is our hope the information provided here will help you feel more comfortable visiting us here at Rockport church of Christ.

Faith expressing itself through love

Although works alone will not save you nor preserve your salvation, James tells us in chapter 2 that "faith without works is dead".  Works are the inevitable expression of being saved; works are faith expressing itself through love.  At the Rockport church, there are many ways to use the talents given to you by God.  Shown below are a few of those ways.

Ways to Serve

Find us: 

1520 Omohundro St.

Rockport, TX  78382

Call us:


Sunday Bible Class: 9:00 am

Sunday Worship:      10:00 am 

Sunday Evening:       5:00 pm

Wednesday Classes:  6:30 pm

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