The Rockport Church of Christ has, for over one hundred years, had a part in the influence, growth and progress of this area. According to Aransas County Court House records, on December 13, 1913, one James M. Percival, did at a private sale sell to W.D.L. Dye, Dr. O.F. Bonham and G.W. Manship, trustees for the Congregation of the church of Christ, lots 11 and 12, in block 26 of the Smith and Woods Division of the City of Rockport, Texas.
On June 17, 1940, the church building belonging to the First Christian Church was purchased by the church of Christ to be moved within a reasonable time to the purchased lots. On February 4, 1952, the church of Christ in Rockport purchased lots thirteen (13) and fourteen (14) in Block Twenty-six (26) in the Smith and Woods division for additional expansion. The building at 801 Mimosa was built in 1954. A preachers home was built in Fulton in 1965. The church structure was remodeled and enlarged in 1970.
April 2nd, 1978 it was announced that a new church building would begin construction on April 3rd on four acres of land purchased at 1520 Omohondro. The 14,000 square foot structure is nestled among the natural live oak trees which add to the attractiveness of the building. This energy efficient facility contains a minister's study, secretarial office, conference space for elders, deacons and various committees, ten class rooms, including nursery and cradle roll ages, a teachers workroom and fellowship area with a seating area for about 200 which can easily convert into four additional classrooms. The Auditorium will seat 504 Worshipers. The building has been designed to permit enlargement of the structure as future growth warrants such. The black-top parking lot has ample parking space and was debt free in less than ten years.
Whether you are a life-long resident of this community, a part-time resident, new to the community, or just visiting the area, it is our intention and our mandate to make this church inviting enough to you that you will make it your church home while you are here. Membership is something reserved for the Lord's church worldwide; we invite any member of the Lord's church to identify with the congregation here to work alongside of us using the gifts given you.
The congregation of the Rockport church of Christ is dedicated to serving God, strictly according to the New Testament doctrine by precept and example. Our plea, to have scriptural authority for everything we do or teach. Our desire is simple, to restore the New Testament church, today, as much as possible as it was in the first century.
The New Testament defines the blueprint of the church which Christ purchased with His blood and for which He died (Acts 20:28). We hope you will be drawn by the simplicity of our services as they are designed to draw you closer to God and to provide an atmosphere that promotes reverent worship (John 4:42). Since all we do is governed by the word of God, you will find us observing only those things contained in it. We do our best to pattern everything we do after the early church of the New Testament.
We are seeking to share His grace in our community and around the world. It is our intent to rekindle the fire of faith in all who attend here. Desiring to reflect upon the love and will of God for our lives, we cherish relationships in Christ in a family.
Perhaps you’ve come to this page looking for a new church home. We know it can be intimidating when you don’t know what to expect and you may not know anyone. It is our hope the information provided here will help you feel more comfortable visiting us here at Rockport church of Christ.
You are always welcome at the worship services of the Rockport church of Christ.